Hawkins University Accreditation, Membership and Swiss Regulatory Framework

Hawkins University is located in Austin, Texas, and imparts quality education in degree programs like Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate. The University is responsible for creating future leaders in all demanding fields. Whether you want a Business or Data Science degree, we have everything for you. Students can take full online programs offered by the University to complete their degree programs at their convenience.

Hawkins University has established itself as a learning school committed to providing excellent education standards. Our accreditations and memberships with renowned bodies confirm this.

Hawkins University has accreditations from the following organizations:

  • United States Education Commission
  • Higher Learning Commission
  • Ministry of Higher Education Commission
  • Distance Education Accrediting Commission

Accreditation and Membership

Distance Education Accrediting Commission

In the United States of America (USA), the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) is one of the accrediting bodies that accredit distance education institutions and programmes. Founded in 1926, the DEAC aims to maintain the quality and academic integrity of online and distance education institutions.

The DEAC’s primary focus is to maintain quality in distance education and ensure that institutions delivering distance or remote learning offer their learners practical, accurate, and achievable educational opportunities. It also functions as a regulatory agency that evaluates the compatibility of institutions with high academic, administrative, and ethical standards. DEAC accreditation helps students understand that employers, professional bodies, and other learning institutions accept and value their education.

Higher Learning Commission

Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an accredited institution and one of the leading accreditation agencies that ensures that institutions offering higher learning offer quality education to their students and are also of high integrity. Initially established in 1895, HLC is autonomous and the official accrediting agency of the U.S. Department of Education.

During accreditation, an institution must provide details on resources, management, and governance, as well as the commitment level to enhance the quality of education offered. Every institution occasionally conducts self-studies, peer evaluations, and site visits to check for non-compliance with the HLC standards.

Ministry of Higher Education Commission

The Ministry of Higher Education Commission is a state authority in charge of governing and accrediting institutions of higher learning within a particular nation. Its primary responsibilities include policy formation, quality assurance, and overseeing the strategic leadership of universities and colleges to enhance the quality of higher learning institutions.

Thus, the setting and the implementation of measures are highly reliant on the assistance of the Ministry of Higher Education Commission to ensure that quality higher education institutions are produced to facilitate the achievement of global competitiveness standards and to prepare citizens for increased national development. Scholarships, education loans, and associations with international universities, which attempt to increase enrolment in higher learning institutions, are generally under this organization.

United States Education Commission

The United States Education Commission (USEC) primarily promotes and improves education and policies in the United States of America. Its primary focus is to increase participation in improved-quality education, ensure equal education opportunities, and enhance educational systems to correspond with federal, state, and local governments. The commission assists policymakers in other essential areas such as student outcomes, financing, teacher excellence, and curriculum to ensure everything is evident in the system.

Its primary purpose includes analyzing and assessing academic trends and providing insights based on research to enhance learning. It is also essential to promote policies for equal education opportunities for all students, including the minority and the less privileged in society.